Requirements for Graduation
Graduation from high school will be made on the recommendation of the Principal or Superintendent, provided the student has completed the following requirements:
Required Classes
4 years of English (5 hr/sem) 40 hours
3 years of Math (5 hr/sem) 30 hours
3 years of Social Studies (5 hr/sem) 30 hours
3 years of Science (5 hr/sem) 30 hours
2 sem of P.E. (5 hr/sem) 10 hours
1 sem of Health (5 hr/sem) 5 hours
1 sem of Computer Appl. (5 hr/sem) 5 hours
1 sem of Speech (5 hr/sem) 5 hours
1 sem of Fine Arts (5 hr/sem) 5 hours
2 sem Vocational (5 hr/sem) 10 hours
Elective Classes
Agriculture Tech (5 hr/sem)
Agriculture Tech Sr. Proj (5 hr/sem)
FCS (5 hr/sem)
Art (5 hr/sem)
Music (5 hr/sem)
Computer (5 hr/sem)
Foreign Language (5 hr/sem)
Business (5 hr/sem)
Journalism (5 hr/sem)
Independent Study (5 hr/sem)
Total hours needed are 230