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Sign It, Say It Information Meeting

Monday, January 18th @ 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Both Heartland and Bethesda Preschool Committees are sponsoring a presentation by Hillary Veerhusen on Monday, January 18, 2016, at Bethesda Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall, 930 16th Street, Henderson.  The time will be 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. with childcare provided starting at 6:30 p.m. for children birth - age 12.

"Sign It, Say It:  Using Sign Language to Support Young Children's Verbal Communication"

Hillary is the wife of Coach Greg Veerhusen who teaches 6th grade at Heartland Community Schools.  They have three children:  Brooklynn is a 2nd grader, Kraten is a preschooler, and C.J. is their new addition just this past September. 

Hillary works as a school psychologist for Lincoln Public Schools.  This is her second year in Lincoln.  Prior to that, she spent a year with Aurora Public Schools as a practicum school psychologist.  Hillary has worked as a special education preschool teacher in Aurora, Nebraska and in Page, Arizona for 5 years. 

As a preschool teacher, she used sign language on a daily basis with both typically developing students and students with special needs to encourage communication growth and appropriate behavioral requests.   She has had training in American Sign Language, and multiple trainings on early sign language for kids.   As a school psychologist, she has the opportunity to work with students from birth to age 21.  When working with the families of younger students, she often talks about how communication and behavior overlap and how sign language can be used to support both.

Hillary will be sharing about the different uses of sign language with babies, toddlers and preschoolers.  She will also teach the participants some useful basic signs.  Please join us and learn how to use sign language with young children.

Complete the registration form and return by January 15th to either:

Dot Quiring, Heartland Preschool Teacher
Heartland Community Schools
1501 Front Street
Henderson, NE 68371


Kori Lewis, Bethesda Preschool Teacher
Bethesda Mennonite Church
903 16th Street
Henderson, NE 68371

Print out the registration form using link to sign up for this event.

Registration Flyer and Form