Cornhusker Girls State
Cornhusker Girls State
What is it? Cornhusker Girls State is held annually during the summer before the senior year of high school, typically during the first week in June, on the main campus of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
For over 100 years, the American Legion Auxiliary has been dedicated to helping young women develop core values of good citizenship and civic responsibility through its Girls State program. Since becoming a national program, the Department of Nebraska has been proud to offer young women across the state an opportunity to attend Cornhusker Girls State.
The purpose of the program is to educate youth in te duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship. This is accomplished through the creation of an imaginary state which is then governed by the citizens of Girls State.
Girls State citizens organize their own city, county and state governments and choose their own elected officials through the election process. They introduce and debate their own bills in a legislative session.
When: June 5-11, 2022
Where: Main campus at UNL
Who can apply: Current Juniors
Application Deadline: Online applications are due by Tuesday, March 1st.
Application: 2022-APPLICATION-DELEGATE.pdf
Brochure: Girls' State Brochure.pdf
Pledge Form: 2022-PLEDGE-FORM-DELEGATE.pdf
Website with more information: Girls State Website
If interested please contact Mr. Sundberg. More information about sponsorships can be provided!