Announcing 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter and 2nd Semester 2022-2023 Honor Roll
Congratulations to Heartland students that earned 3rd quarter, 4th quarter and 2nd semester honor roll status by achieving a 3.25 GPA or higher. 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter, 2nd Semester Honor Roll List 3rd Quarter . . .
Special Board Meeting - Monday, January 23rd
The Heartland Community Schools Board of Education will hold a special board meeting this coming Monday, January 23rd at 7 PM. The meeting will be held in the school's theater. The Board will meet to further discuss . . .
Announcing 2021-2022 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester Honor Roll
Congratulations to Heartland students that earned 2nd quarter and 1st semester honor roll status by achieving a 3.25 GPA or higher. 2nd Quarter Honor Roll (List) 2nd Quarter Honor Roll (Photos) 1st Semester Honor Roll . . .
Huskie Beef and the FFA
The Heartland FFA chapter is excited to announce that they will be assuming the responsibilities for the operation of the school’s Huskie Beef Program. The FFA is hopeful to create opportunities to . . .
Coming soon...Veterans Day Program
It is almost that time again! The administration, staff and students at Heartland Community School are beginning to make plans for our annual Veterans Day celebration. Whether we are in person or virtual, we are proud to recognize and . . .
Winter Concerts
This year, the Winter Concerts will be hosted in a virtual format. The Elementary Concert (K-6th Vocal) will be published on December 10. The Holiday Band (6-12) and Vocal (7-12) Concert will be published on December 17. The . . .
Report Cards Ready
Report cards for grades K-12 are ready to be picked up at the main office during 8:00 - 4:00 hours.
Sign It, Say It Information Meeting
Monday, January 18th @ 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Both Heartland and Bethesda Preschool Committees are sponsoring a presentation by Hillary Veerhusen on Monday, January 18, 2016, at Bethesda Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall, 930 16th Street, Henderson. The time will be 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. . . .
Veterans' Day Program
November 11th @ 9:00 AM
Veterans' day program held at Heartland Community Schools on Wednesday, November 11th, on Veterans' Day was well attended. The presentation by English students can be viewed by clicking on the following link. The . . .
Where’s Your Heartland Gear Been?
Mrs. Houck has issued a challenge to all Heartland students and faculty to submit photos showcasing their Heartland gear and the places they’ve been; maybe even the people they’ve met. The top 3 student entries will receive . . .