Boys Golf District Champs
State Golf @ North Platte
District Champions will be competing at the state golf tournament on May 22nd and May 23rd.
The team of Ben, Hayes, Cade, and Ric Bulin are district champions for the third straight year.
Individual Results at Districts:
1st Hayes Oswald -- 85
3rd Cade Oswald -- 88
4th Jaden Regier--- 89
9th Ben Mestl -- 98
This team will compete next week, information following:
NSAA State Golf Championship:
Two Day Competition
Tuesday, May 22nd
Lake Maloney Golf Club
Tee Times
10:00 AM- #1 Jaden Regier
10:10 AM- #1 Cade Oswald
10:20 AM- #10 Ben Mestl
10:30 AM- #1 Hayes Oswald
10:30 AM- #10 Ric Bulin
Wednesday, May 23rd
Tee Times will be determined after day 1.
Good Luck to the Heartland Golf team.