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Heartland Community Schools

Student Activities


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Order your subscription today!

Heartland FBLA members have been selling magazine subscriptions as a fundraiser for many years, and it’s that time again.  The goal for each member is to contact ten people to support our organization by renewing current subscriptions or ordering a new subscription to over 300 popular magazine titles.  


If a student doesn’t contact you, but you would like to order a magazine, please use the following instructions for online ordering: 


  1. Go to www.gaschoolstore.com and click on Shop.
  2. Enter Organization Online ID for FBLA:  2519007 and click Next.
  3. If you have an FBLA member you would like to support, enter the student’s first and last name and click Next.
  4. Add items to your cart and when ready checkout.  Thank you for buying a magazine to support Heartland FBLA.


If you would like a Heartland FBLA member to contact you, please let Mrs. Most know by calling the school at (402) 723-4434 or emailing her at kmost@heartlandschools.net


Thank you for supporting our organization as we prepare for college and careers through a variety of leadership, community service, and academic activities.