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Heartland Community Schools

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Parent-Teacher Conferences March 10 and 11

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on the evenings of March 10 and 11 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.  

Parents of all PK-12 students are able to schedule conferences from 4:30-8:30 p.m. both evenings. PK-12th Grade conferences are scheduled online. Elementary conferences will be for a maximum of 15 minutes, and 7-12 conferences will be for a maximum of 20 minutes. All PK-12 conferences will occur in-person in classrooms.  

Fifth grade parents will sign up for conferences with Mrs. Maltsberger. Sixth grade parents will sign up for conferences with Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs. Regier and Miss. Peters' first grade parents will sign up for conferences with Mrs. Regier. First grade conferences need to be scheduled before February 24. Mrs. Regier’s 7-12th grade FCS conferences can be scheduled after February 24.  

Seventh & eighth grade students will showcase their work so far this school year to their parents in student-led conferences. Just like the name suggests, the students are in charge during this conference. Students meet individually with their homeroom teacher and parents and explain the different assignments they have been working on and talk about academic goals they have set for themselves. The parents have the chance to hear directly from the students about student progress, as well as what students feel proud of and things with which they need assistance. Parents who wish to visit with their child's specific teachers can sign up.  

Click the following link to sign up for conferences: PT Conference Sign Up.            

You will be asked to log in to the website. If you do not already have an account, you can create one during this process. You can use your account to receive other information, as well. If you would like detailed instructions on how to schedule conferences, go to our website and click on the “For Parents” menu.  Then select "PT Conference Information." You can also click on the following link: PT Conferences Directions

Call the school office with any questions at 402-723-4434.